Just a page with my activites,
funny photo's and links. Enjoy !.

The BirdHouse Cam

The corona Free Birdhouse Cam 2022
please find the HD video Youtube stream of our little couple creating a family. Enjoy !.

The Birds have not entered the house yet. As soon as they are in , the camera will be Live.

  • Please click here for the BirdHouseBlog and video
  • Sed ipsum dolor

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    Feugiat consequat

    Phasellus convallis elit id ullamcorper pulvinar. Duis aliquam turpis mauris, eu ultricies erat malesuada quis. Aliquam dapibus.

    Ultricies aliquam

    Phasellus convallis elit id ullamcorper pulvinar. Duis aliquam turpis mauris, eu ultricies erat malesuada quis. Aliquam dapibus.

    My Hobbies

    Way too many hobbies :-) Model airplanes 3D printing and design Geocaching Domoticz.

    Model Airplanes

    Flying them indoors and outdoors, depending on weather and temperature...

    My Video edits

    Video editing as a hobby, some of my movies

    3D printing

    The 3D printer never sleeps. Either print a design found on thingiverse or printing my onwn designs.

    Usefull links


    The house automation is a living project. Every time a new element is added. Please visit the Domoticz page for detailed information

    Get in touch

    Its AlWAYS nice to hear something from you :-) .

    My funny Image collection
